6 years Nigel since you were cruelly taken to early from us it gets no easier. Our boys and I miss you terribly MND is very very very cruel it took your life cruelly and painfully …. It took mine too losing you & witnessing that cruelty .. I’ve had to live with the pain of watching your excruciating pain and unable to carry out your last request our country are kinder to animals in pain than humans it’s about time laws were changed .. stop letting people suffer let intelligent people make their own life choices .. I fear nothing will change and many more MND patients will continue to be treated inhumanely and not allowed choices . families left behind suffer greatly from what was witnessed. 🤞fingers crossed research will find a cure soon Nigel donated his body to science to hopefully long term help others suffer less than he did .. 💔💔💔 your boys Sam & Harry’s and I love and miss you loads
12th February 2022
Those we love don’t go away
They are with us everyday
In our thoughts and hearts forever
11th February 2021
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Nigel Nattress.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Motor Neurone Disease Association (MND) on 08/04/2016